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How Often Should I Review Our Child Custody Agreement?

A father and his two kids having their picture taken.

A child custody agreement is a critical document that outlines the legal arrangement for the care and upbringing of your children after a divorce or separation. While it's designed to provide stability, life is full of changes, and your child custody agreement should evolve with them.

This blog post will explore the importance of reassessing your child custody arrangement and provide insights into when and how to make necessary child custody modifications.

Why Review Your Child Custody Agreement?

What was once a suitable child custody arrangement might no longer be in the best interests of your child. Whether it's a shift in your child's academic, emotional, or extracurricular needs or a change in your own circumstances, it's essential to periodically review your child custody agreement.

The following are a few of the most common reasons you should review your child custody agreement:

  • Changes in Circumstances: Life events like job relocations, new relationships, or your child's evolving needs can impact the current custody arrangement.
  • Child's Best Interests: Regular reviews ensure the agreement continues to align with your child's best interests.
  • Legal Updates: Family law changes over time. Reviewing your agreement helps ensure it complies with current laws.

How Often Should You Review Your Custody Agreement?

Should you review your custody agreement every year? Every two years? Every five years? Frankly, there's no one-size-fits-all answer to this question. However, there are a few guidelines that can help you decide when the time is right for you:

  • Annually: A yearly review can help you assess if any significant changes have occurred.
  • When Major Life Changes Happen: If you or your co-parent experience a significant life event, like a job relocation or marriage, it's essential to review the agreement promptly.
  • When Your Child's Needs Change: As children grow and develop, their needs and preferences may change. Addressing these changes in the custody arrangement is crucial.
  • When Disputes Arise: If you and your co-parent are experiencing ongoing conflicts about the custody agreement, a review can help clarify expectations and find solutions.

What to Look For During a Review

  • Child's Well-Being: Is the current arrangement meeting your child's emotional, physical, and educational needs?
  • Co-Parenting Relationship: Is the co-parenting relationship functioning effectively? Are both parents honoring the agreement?
  • Compliance with the Agreement: Are both parents adhering to the terms of the custody agreement?
  • Legal Updates: Are there any recent changes in family law that could impact the agreement?
  • Flexibility: Does the agreement allow for flexibility to accommodate changes in schedules or unforeseen circumstances?

What If I Need to Modify Our Child Custody Agreement?

If you decide changes are necessary, it's essential to approach the conversation with your co-parent calmly and constructively. If you can't reach an agreement, consider mediation or involving a family law attorney to help facilitate the process.

Remember: The goal of a child custody agreement is to provide stability and support for your child. Regularly reviewing it ensures that the agreement continues to meet these objectives.

Contact Our Child Custody and Support Modification Attorneys for a Free Consultation Today

Our child custody attorneys at Conner & Roberts, Pllc can help you review your custody agreement and guide you through the process of modifying your agreement. Our family law attorneys have almost 40 years of combined legal experience.

Call (423) 299-4489 or contact us online today to schedule a free initial consultation with our experienced child custody modification lawyers.
